How to come to Tõstamaa.

It’s simple to come Tõstamaa. The easiest way to come here is by car or public transpot. Only half of hour from Pärnu. Tõstamaa is located west-north of Pärnumaa.


Swedbank ATM automat are in the middle of the Tõstamaa,  on the wall of the fire stataion house.

Wireless internet (Wi-Fi) is available in most accommodation and eating places.

Apothecary’s shop

Varbla, mnt 24, 88101, Tõstamaa, Pärnumaa

Open  T ja F 10-16

Phone 4463623

Varbla mnt 24, Tõstamaa

Open: Mon,Tu,Wen,Fr

o’clok 8.00 – 16.00

Th: 8.00 – 18-00

Phone: 4471940

Tõstamaa Gas Station

Pärnu mnt 21, Tõstamaa

Open Mon-Sat 07.00-22.00

Phone 4800810

Tõstamaa FoodMarket
Kalli mnt 3 Tõstamaa
Mon-Sun o’clok 9-20

Tourist Information Centre are in Tõstamaa manor and open only in summertime

Where to stay

Where to eat and shop


Katrin Uustalu

Phone + 372 51970999

Hendriku, Tõlli village, Pärnumaa

Maido Kaja

Phone + 372 56653088

Siuga, Peerni village, Pärnumaa

Fresh vegetables, flovers, coffe

Home-Based Caterings for preorder

Beaker Helle Pihlak
Tõstamaa, Tõstamaa vald

Handycraft and home docorations

Honey and beekeepers

Poultry Farm


Maire Miemis